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Keep Quiet
New Single
Release Date: 31.05.2024
Live On Tour
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The Unbelievable Story
A three-part documentary on Viaplay
My Story Album
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Open And Alive
Available as physical CD
on and
as a digital single
Jenny Berggren - Boston

2024/10/06 Multimedia
Pictures from Krakow and the USA have been added to Multimedia

About Jenny Berggren
About Jenny

Born May, 19th 1972 in Gothenburg, Sweden as the youngest of 3 children. She was raised in a Christian home in the Gothenburg suburbs ...

Find the best videos and pictures of performances, interviews and meet & greets and more on our multimedia page.
Sing Me Forward
Sing Me Forward

One singers impact on a world of fans. Each story is touching and a proof of the beauty she has brought to all our lives.

Vinna Hela Världen

After one of her lectures a woman walked up to Jenny and asked if this was a book. Jenny had 2 seconds to answer and decided that it was not only the story of her life but a book. So on the 1st of January 2009 Jenny sat down and tried to sketch the content of her story ...

Interviews, Performances, Meet and Greets...

Check our multimedia pages and find pictures, videos and reports from meet and greets and performances from all over the world. You can also find exclusive interviews and pictures from videoshootings.

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